Eastmont Multilingual Education Staff

bilingual kids

Our District model: 

Our district uses the Supportive Mainstream Model to ensure ML students have language support regardless of their current language levels. Our Multilingual Mission is to advance academic language development and academic achievement for ALL children and youth who are culturally and linguistically diverse through high-quality standards, assessments, research, and professional learning for educators. Across our district, we have the following staff members at each school site; the Multilingual (ML) Teachers and a Migrant/Multilingual Achievement Specialist.Each School has committed and trained staff members that are open to answering any questions. 

Please contact your Migrant/Multilingual Achievement Specialist if you have any questions.

Favor de contactar a su especialista migrante/multilingüe si tiene alguna pregunta.

Lee- Luz Alfaro alfarol@eastmont206.org
Rock Island- Brisa Sanchez sanchezb@eastmont206.org
Cascade- Maria Dorsey dorseym@eastmont206.org
Grant- Lizbet Rodriguez rodriguezl@eastmont206.org
Kenroy- Fernando Lara laraf@eastmont206.org
Sterling Junior High- Teresa Mendoza mendozat@eastmont206.org
Clovis- Hector Guzman guzmanh@eastmont206.org
Eastmont Junior High- Gloria Espinoza espinozag@eastmont206.org
Eastmont High School- Yesica Campos camposy@eastmont206.org

Graduation Specialists/ Especialistas en graduación

Sterling Junior High- Evelyn (Yvonne) Rojas rojase@eastmont206.org

Eastmont Junior High- Letty Esquivel esquivell@eastmont206.org

Eastmont High School- Maribel Mendez mendezm@easmont206.org

Migrant Student Advocate

Eastmont High School- Vidal Hurtado hurtadov@eastmont206.org

Migrant Recruiter and Support Specialist

Eastmont Junior High- Edith Zavala-Gutierrez zavala-gutierreze@eastmont206.org

Migrant Nurse Case Manager

Eastmont Junior High- Blanca Salgado salgdob@eastmont206.org

Assistant Director of Special Programs Multilingual & Migrant Education

District Office- Mayra Navarro navarrom@eastmont206.org